Morning Praise

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
But of power, of love, and of a sound mind."

* Kirye Pavle (+ St Paul)


to God the Most High, 
Jesus Eternal Redemption,
& the Seven Spirits of the Ghost Divine

Be glory, honor, and worship
Now and forever,
Into endless ages of ages



O Lord, Father Almighty, Father of Love and Grace Divine: 
we thank You for Your great mercy in the face of our sins and weaknesses, and for continuously raising us up from corruption to incorruption, in the glory of Your Eternal Design (Eternal Fashiones). 

We beseech You, Father, to bless this day, help us thru any crossfulness, and sanctify the work we are about to do. Guide are hands aright, 
enlighten our darkness alway, and make this work be worthy of Your glory by the power of Your divine Grace. 

And we shall offer it back up to You in thanksgiving and gratitude. 
Return it to us blessed, sanctified, and incorrupt so we may rejoice in You always, 
through Your Son, in Your Holy Spirit.

For you are the Friend and Lover of man, and we desire to praise You unto ages of ages. 

Blessed is our God!
Praise the Lord and His Mother Divine!
Forever and ever!

Eternal Youth, Eternally Blessed
In Jesus, Mary, and John's sacred Name


“...The Earth is the Lord’s, the fullness thereof, the world and all that dwell therein...”



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