Hidden Flame of the Ghost Divine

Protection + Courage + Hope

- + -
to the Father of the fatherless, the Finder of the lost, and the Ghost of Divine Knowledge and Grace...

...and to the Mother of the wronged...

Be glory, honor, and worship

now and forevermore

Mariyani (7)
Kaleison (7)
Phosphoros(Belial, Azazel, Apolliyon) (7)
Sariya (7)
Christaniya (7)
Sviryanni(Sanguanari/Triyania) (7)

Invoka la enerxa de Voxa tu Sonatha de Boxua.
Hreinsame ke evloyison ke photazon en las gnosa mystika.
Desexu su desexu, ke Thanos Ewnion para la cosma
Thanvu y thanvus


to the Father of Sacred Realms
Jesus Eternal Redemption
And the Perfecter of Fashiones(Spirits)

Invoking the Hidden Flame of the Ghost Divine
I beseech Your mercy Lord Theleima Most High
Father of Lights and of Darkness Divine:
Send down Your power from on high
For an ascents thru the (midnight) sky
And may the Grace in our blood's reactivation
Be ever and nigh

To the glory of God the Father in His Eternal Design (the Eternal Masterminds)
Thanvu y Thanvus

In Jessa, Mariya, ke Sviryanni's
Nemas Imirtalias


Kyra eleisa (7)
Mariya evloyia (7)
Mariya Christa Lyka (7)

Invoking the hidden Flame of the Ghost Divine, I call upon your power Mother of God, Protectress, and Sorceress of the Most High.
Grant me and those around me your Sacred Gifts ❤️ to go about every situation with rejoicing and ease,
protection from disturbing forces, and to grow in knowledge and grace and alway and forevermore.

For blessed is Your name
Together with Your Sons and Spirits Divine
Now and forever


to the Father, the Son,
and the Spirit Divine:

Isous Xristos Nika (7)
∆avid (7)

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in You my soul takes refuge; till the storms of destruction pass by

I cry out to God the Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for us

He will send from heaven and save us; He will put to shame those who trample us down

For He never gives us more than we can handle, and always provides the way thru

Solomon (7)
Isous Xristos Lyka (7)

to the Protectress of the Royal Priesthood and Creatures Divine:

My soul magnifies the Lord
And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour

The Mighty, the Living, the All Knowing, the Living

For He has looked upon the loneliness of His people,
and from henceforth and forevermore shall all generations call us blessed

His mercy is boundless
His knowledge deep
When we pass thru the flame
He is always there to keep
our joy renewed
They Rescued us from all fear
As they turned to crystal every one of our tears
soon they said soon...

In Jesus name

To Them be thanks, praise, and worship
Together with their holy Mother and all Her children

Amen Amen Amen

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