Prayrcraft for the End Times

Glory be to the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come


Kaleison (12)

The Living, the Merciful, the Almighty, the Merciful

Who had in His heart every one of His creatures from before the world began

And who sent His Son into the world as a living sacrifice, like a Lamb sent to be slaughtered, to abolish the ancient curse forenevermore, and to transform death into eternal life forevermore

To those who believe in His name, mercy and peace, and the power to become living Gods and Priests

To Them who conquered by the power of Their God be glory and honor and worship, forevermore

Who let us go our own way, and satisfied us with the wheat, honey, and out of the Rock He satisfied us; Whose mercy is boundless, and wisdom unsearchable

Blessed is our God now and forevermore

In Jesus name

Turn to Him and He will fulfill your desires; disclose unto the Lord thy way, and He will grant thee the askings of thy heart

(¤)+*= David


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