Midnight Ritul of Ascending Flames
Midnight Ritul of Ascending Flames
to the IllxFashioned, Eternal Redemption,
and the Perfecter of Fashiones:
Kyria Lodaiya eleison Kaleison (Mariya)
Mary of Egypt & John of Shanghai & San Francisco I beseech Your power
Sariya photazon (x300)
Xristen photazon
Phosphoros photazon
Apollyon desnegria
Azazel y Belial hreinsame en phota de Phosphoros
Isous Xristos Nika (x300)
Kyria Kalaiya eleison Kaleison (x300)
Invoking the Sacred Flame of the Ghost Divine,
I beseech Your mercy O Lord and Mother of God,
to descend upon us and upon these gifts, to bless and sanctify them,
and to grant us to grow in knowledge and grace alway and Forever
I beseech Your mercy O Lord and Mother of God,
to descend upon us and upon these gifts, to bless and sanctify them,
and to grant us to grow in knowledge and grace alway and Forever
In Yanni’s name
John of San Francisco and Mary of Egypt
I invoke your power
And invoking the Ascending Flame of the Ghost Divine
I beseech your mercy, O Lord,
God, Father Almighty
Grant us to explore the knowledge of elemental and inner elemental alchemy
And to grow in the knowledge
of created nature and hidden graces,
in the light of Uncreated energies of God
In Jesus and Mariya's Name
O Lord God, Father of Lights:
We Thank You for all things, O Lord, and approaching Your heavenly altar,
we beseech Your grace and mercy to satisfy all our needs and wants,
making them the same, fulfilling our deepest desire and sanctifying our passions.
Condescend to our level in the person of Your Son,
and Perfect our spirits by the power and grace of the Perfectr of Spirits.
Grant us to live in a state of constant peace and rejoicing, free from all evil,
as we partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil.
we beseech Your grace and mercy to satisfy all our needs and wants,
making them the same, fulfilling our deepest desire and sanctifying our passions.
Condescend to our level in the person of Your Son,
and Perfect our spirits by the power and grace of the Perfectr of Spirits.
Grant us to live in a state of constant peace and rejoicing, free from all evil,
as we partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil.
We offer up a sacrifice of eternal praise
Now and forever
In Jesus, Mariya, and Sviryanni’s Name
Invoka la enerxa de Sonata Mariya, la Msytera tu Boxua, y Sorcora de la Epixila(Most High):
Enerxa de Voxa de Boxua hreinsame y verdame,
Enerxa de Voxa de Boxua hreinsame y verdame,
y la gnosa mystika desexu su desexu. Radonaiya, Sampaguita Mytera,
grant that I may ever be
in Your presence,
together with You son,
to grow in knowledge and grace forevermore
In Jesus and Mary's Name
Thru the prayers of our holy Mothers and Fathers, brothers and sisters,
Lord Jesus have mercy on us and save us
"Do all things for the glory of God,
and love one another"
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