Venus Fly + Passion Fire

Venus Fly * Passion Flame

to the Father of sacred gifts, Salvation of nobodies and outkasts, and the Spirit of perfect ecstasies perfected

For gifts from God and his Mother are we forever grateful...

Thanvu kai thanvu

An attraction circle I form to protect against any violent storm
A circle round and round, a circle tightly bound
Encompass me about, O Lady, with thine Archangels of the Night

Priestess of Venus ascend
Sitriya arise
Sariya ascend
Lilith arise
Voxa de Venus set sail thru the midnight skies

Amen amen

lust, love, and beauty we seek
By the power of the crystal, the pentagram, and the cross we unite our senses and spiritual forces and align them with yours

love, lust, and beauty we bring
Our offering for your divine bliss we ask
Passion fire ignite. May Her grace shine upon us tonight as we seek to explore our sexuality in the dead of night

love, lust, beauty combine
May our desires align
Send down Your grace
And may their passion become one with mine, one with ours, for all is ours, and all is Thine

As We offer up a sacrifice of eternal praise
In Their name
Amen amen amen


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